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10 basic algorithms and their Flowcharts

Hello programmers,
Here are the 10 basic algorithms of programming which will help you to start to learn Algorithms and programming.

What are Algorithms??
Algorithms are the set of instructions or protocols which tells us what should be the next step of the process or program.

What are the Flowcharts??
Flowcharts are the diagramatic representation of steps involved in the code.
Flowcharts shows the path followed by data during the process or iteration.

Now following are the algorithms and their Flowcharts:

1) Algorithm for area of circle :
2.READ: The radius as "R" and area as "A"
3.INPUT: Get R and A from user
 4.1 A=3.14*R*R
5.PRINT: "The area of circle of circle"+A

Flowchart for area of circle:

2) Algorithm for factorial of 1 to 5 
numbers :
2.READ: The number as "N" and factorial
as "fact"
3.INPUT: Get "N" from user
4.Set the initial value of N and fact
5.CALCULATE the factorial

 5.1 fact=fact*N
 5.2 N=N+1
6.If 1=<N=<5
 then go to step 5
 Print("The factorial value of number is"+fact)
Flowcharts for factorial of 1 to 5 number:

3) Alogorithm for grade for student :
2.READ: Mark as "M"
3.INPUT: M from user
4.If 100>=M>=70
 then print ("The grade of student is
 Else go to step.5
5.If 70>M>=60
 then print ("The grade of student is BB" )
 Else go to step.6
6.If 60>M>=50
 then print ("The grade of student is
 Else go to step. 7
7.If 50>M>=40
 then print ("The grade of student is
 Else go to step.8
8. If 40>M>=0
 then print ("The grade of student is
 print(" error")

Flowchart for Grade of students:

4) Algorithm for largest number in three 
numbers :
2.READ: The numbers as x,y,z
3.Check if x>y
 3.1 If true , then check if x>z
 3.1.1 If true ,then print (" x is gretest
 3.1.2 If false, then print ("z is gretest
3.2 If false , then check y>z
 3.2.1 If true , then print ("y is gretest
 3.2.2 If false, then print ("z is gretest

Flowchart for largest number in three numbers :

5) Algorithm for the checking letter is consonent or vowel :

2.READ: letter as "cha"
3.INPUT: "cha" from user
 then print ("The letter is vowel")
 print("The letter is consonent")

Flowchart for checking letter is consonent or vowel:

6) Algorithm for simple interest
2.READ: Deposite,rate of interest , time period
as D,R,T and the simple interest as Z
3.INPUT: Get D,R,T from user
4.calculate : simple interest
 4.1 Z=D*R*T/100
5.PRINT: "The simple interest on deposite
is ",Z

Flowchart for Simple Interest:

7) Algorithm for sum of first 10 numbers:
2.READ: sum=0 and x=1
3.Check x<=10
4. If true
 then calculate sum
 4.1 sum=sum+x
 4.2 x=x+1
 print("The sum of first 10

Flowchart for sum of first 10 numbers :

8) Algorithm for swap value using third 
2.READ: variables as a,b and third variable
as c
3.Swap the values
 3.1 c=a
 3.2 a=b
 3.3 b=c

Flowchart for swapping the numbers:

9) Algorithm for first 10 odd and 10 even 

2.READ: X=0 , Y=0 COUNT=1
3.If COUNT%2!=0
 then Y=Y+2
 Else X=X+2
 5.If COUNT>20
 then print (" The sum of first 10 odd numbers is
 and print("the sum of first 10 even numbers

Flowchart for odd and even numbers:

Some Notes :
1) The algorithms are important for making your products.
2) This are also used in day to day life
3) Flowcharts are drawn using website



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