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Showing posts from March, 2020

10 basic algorithms and their Flowcharts

Hello programmers, Here are the 10 basic algorithms of programming which will help you to start to learn Algorithms and programming. What are Algorithms?? Algorithms are the set of instructions or protocols which tells us what should be the next step of the process or program. What are the Flowcharts?? Flowcharts are the diagramatic representation of steps involved in the code. Flowcharts shows the path followed by data during the process or iteration. Now following are the algorithms and their Flowcharts: 1) Algorithm for area of circle : 1.START 2.READ: The radius as "R" and area as "A" 3.INPUT: Get R and A from user 4.CAALCULATE: area  4.1 A=3.14*R*R 5.PRINT: "The area of circle of circle"+A 6.STOP Flowchart for area of circle : 2) Algorithm for factorial of 1 to 5  numbers : 1.START 2.READ: The number as "N" and factorial as "fact" 3.INPUT: Get "N" from user 4.Set the initial value of N a...